Monday, June 6, 2011

I met someone awesome!

I was at the farmer's market in Callingwood with my Mom the other day. While we were walking about, I saw this lady who had a table with her art for sale. It was all sorts of fairy types and I was really attracted to her work. I decided on a whim to stop and ask her about how she got into what she did.

Eventually, I told her that I was an aspiring artist looking to make it as well, and she had so many kind and encouraging words for me. She told me that her road was long and tough, but in the end she did it because it was her dream and her passion. When I told her I was married and my parents supported me as well with my endeavors  she told me to just do it. 

I wish to support her as much as I can and share her website. You can buy her work off of her website, but if you can see her in person, I would highly recommend it! Her name is Sandra MacDougall and you can find her website here: Her prints are very reasonably priced and she's a wonderful lady.

Thank you, Sandra, for making my day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nothing new right now... BUT!

At this very moment, I have nothing new to post. However, I've decided to pick up colouring another piece of old line art.

I'm always so torn on this subject. This is probably why I never get anything new done. I never know if I should finish an old project or start something new. Though, if I start something new, that's potential for another unfinished project to appear on my desk. I already have so many of those. However, something new is something fresh for people to see that I have been bombarding with my sketch book scans.

Decisions, decisions.

I suppose a finished product is a finished product and is worth the while.

Off to go work on it some more.

Ciao for now!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sketch dump!

First of all, I did actually finish something! I coloured an old sketch of Zimmette I did about a year ago. There's nothing too naughty about it, just that you can see a little bit of nipple. Also, I decided to colour it in Photoshop - which, might I add, I haven't done in ages! Not bad for not touching it in such a long time.

I went through and dug up some of my sketches and felt the need to post some. There's quite a few, some more complete than others, but whatever. You get the idea.

These two were rough sketches I did for my Lady. I was trying to make Zimmette dominate over Katzii, but I never felt that I got it right. 

Again, for Lady. Was an attempt at a birthday picture for her. I'm sure if I would've taken the time to finish it, it might've actually turned out well. But, I'm sure you know the story on that by now. 

I can't take credit for the idea of an evil Katzii. A friend of ours on Deviant Art made her like that, and I just loved it! That little fellow up there, his name is Stubert. Again, the character of another friend. He's a little pervy imp that lives in Katzii's underwear drawer. Another story for another time. 

Now this one is one of my favourite images. I actually do intend on finishing this one. I do have a cleaned up version of the line art, but I find that for previewing, you get more out of it with the sketch lines in there as well. 

Now finally, I silly colour drawing I did. I wanted to draw something more vulgar. I did have this on Deviant Art, but someone reported it and it got removed for violating their terms and crap. Oh well, their loss. 

I am also working on a layout for this site. Actually, I'm rather close to finishing it up. I'm just trying to figure out how to impliment it into Blogger's limitations. Once I figure that all out, this blog will look much better. 

But for now, I'm off! Ciao for now!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A little more old stuff.

I don't do much digital art anymore. I'm not really sure why I stopped. Maybe the bad stigma it has in my own head from when I worked as a graphic artist. I prefer to have this kind of thing as a hobby rather than a profession.

So anyways, this piece is one of my proudest digital pieces, ever! I did the line art with pen and paper, but did the colours in Photoshop. Her name is Yin Xing and her original concept design belongs to
Another piece I have allot of pride for was a contest entry for another fellow artist on Deviant Art ( I always adored her art, and I wanted to try my hand at one of her characters. I didn't want to over do the nudity and all since I didn't want to embarrass her. But in the end she loved it. So I am glad. This one is also to the style I feel most comfortable with. I used my Prismacolour Markers.
I think that's all I'm going to post for today. I'm going to try and hold out my next post until I have something new. I can't just keep posting my old stuff. But at least this way, there's a bit of history first. 

Time to take the puppies out, and maybe I'll start on something new this afternoon. 

Ciao for now!

Monday, August 16, 2010

To get the ball rolling!

To get things started, let me give a little information about my work and as well, a little bit of back story.

I started drawing adult work back in high school. It was a really great way to make a few bucks here and there. I didn't flat out advertise myself to anyone, people just came to me and asked me for drawings. It was a really good way to make some spending cash to but CDs and things that my parents wouldn't normally buy for me.

As the years went by, some of my drawings were found and friends and family tried to persuade me to go make some real money off of it. I've always felt shy about this sort of thing, so I always just said "Maybe." and moved on from the subject.

I met this amazing girl online, who I very much still love, some years ago. She made me much more confident in myself when it came to doing adult work. Maybe because I couldn't see her face when I sent her my drawings, I felt comfortable drawing things for her and sending them to her. We eventually met and every now and then still web chat (so I do get to see her beautiful face - but still not when I send her drawings, lol!).

I've recently lost much confidence in my artistic skills and haven't been doing much of anything in that department as a whole. Recently my Lady tried to encourage me to draw more and specifically those types of images. I've been scared to in recent years because she got herself a boyfriend, and I don't know what he thinks of such things. My husband has always been open to all this, but I've been scared to make things awkward for her. But, as I said, she has sent me encouragement. So, I shall try and see what I can come up with and share those things.

So, I shall introduce the characters that I do most of this type of work of.

My character, whom I created and designed is named Zimmette. She is a sex crazed, psycho, vampire. She is madly in love with my Lady's character Katzii Yataki. She is a cutesy "neko" girl who is very naive, innocent, and playful. The two are pretty much night and day from each other, but so absolutely perfect for each other.

My favourite of the images that I have fully completed up until now, depict Katzii in only her panties and bra, running away from a drooling Zimmette. The next in the series is lapsed a little bit of time in the future and just shows Zimmette's bust, wearing Katzii's panties on her head. You figure out the rest!
Anyways, that piece is still something more so cute and fun, while I've been trying really hard to do some images more erotic. I'm still really shy and everything I've come up with, usually doesn't get finished.

One more recent drawing that I am actually rather proud of:
As usual, I never did finish it. And, again as usual, I will say maybe someday.

I'll be working through my sketch book in the near future and pull some more incomplete works to post and get some criticism on. Maybe someone will tell me the right thing and I can feel good about finnishing something.

For now, I have MSN windows flashing at me and should pay attention to the people trying to talk to me.

Ciao for now!

New to Blogger.

Just checking things out and see what there is to see. Wondering what all the limitations and all that are on this web site. We'll see if I actually use it or not. I have Livejournal, but never use that either.

Maybe there will be something here, maybe not. Check back if you feel like it.

EDIT: Ok, I was a little unsure about some of the aspects of this website and it seems my assumptions were right. I  took the time to read up on the content policies to make sure. I will be using this place to show and talk about my adult artwork. I didn't want to use the sites like Anime Affair or other hentai sites because there's not much for discussion on pieces. Also, I can attempt to keep this a bit more private from certain eyes, though I'm sure if people looked for this, they would find it eventually.

Either way, I will use this for a while. I'll post some of my old work and gradually work with new pieces here. I'm definitely looking for constructive criticism on my work. I would like to better skills as much as possible.

I look forward to working with this website.